2022: XXIV

Tra acqua e terra, tra cultura alta e racconto popolare: i nomi della Trilogia delle Metamorfosi di Andrea Camilleri

Marina Castiglione
Università di Palermo

Pubblicato 2022-11-08

Parole chiave

  • Andrea Camilleri,
  • Maruzza Musumeci,
  • Il casellante,
  • Il sonaglio,
  • onomastics,
  • metamorphosis
  • ...Più
  • Andrea Camilleri,
  • Maruzza Musimeci,
  • Il casellante,
  • Il sonaglio,
  • onomastics,
  • metamorphosis
  • ...Più


The so-called «Fantastic Trilogy» by Andrea Camilleri – Maruzza Musumeci (2007), Il casellante (2008), Il sonaglio (2009) – represents a sort of deliberate divergence from his more usual narrative modes. Here names become the voice of context in which past and present become symbolic memories, which are true in that they are nourished by poetic evocations. Women become mermaids, trees, goats: always women who change their nature for love and who undergo their necessary transformation in a shady area, on the border between life and death, between water and land.